GPR Survey to Map Bedrock in Northeastern MA

Infrasense engineers recently conducted a ground-penetrating radar (GPR) survey along a segment of road in northeastern Massachusetts in order to map bedrock topography. In this case, GPR proved to be an effective tool in mapping bedrock stratigraphy to approximately 25-feet maximum depth penetration. If you have an upcoming project where we can be of assistance,…

Subsurface Scanning of 1800s Cemetery

Infrasense recently completed subsurface scanning of an 1800s cemetery located in central Massachusetts. We used an array GPR system to identify the locations of graves (known and unknown). The multichannel Raptor system allowed for efficient data collection while producing a high-resolution 3D dataset of the subsurface! If you have an upcoming project where we can…

Tri-State Area Projects

Infrasense has completed multiple pavement and bridge testing projects in the Tri-State Area. These projects include ground penetrating radar (GPR) and falling weight deflectometer (FWD) testing of pavement sections; infrared thermography, video, and GPR scanning of bridge decks; and a suite of testing for evaluating bridge substructures. If you have an upcoming project where we…

Infrasense Completes GPR Surveys in Toronto

Infrasense is happy to announce that recently, we were able to travel back to Toronto to complete numerous ground penetrating radar (GPR) pavement thickness surveys. This included surveying over 2,600 kilometers of the City’s network! We are grateful to have worked as a subcontractor to ICC-IMS on this project. If you have an upcoming project…

Infrasense NRRA Research Project

The National Road Research Alliance (NRRA) has selected Infrasense for an exciting research project! This project objective comprises of automating 3DGPR data analysis for concrete pavement evaluations. The research includes developing machine learning algorithms to detect missing, misplaced, or misaligned dowel and tie bars, voids under joints, and other deficiencies in concrete pavements. If you’d…

GPR Pavement Evaluation in Georgia

Infrasense was in Georgia completing ground penetrating radar (GPR) pavement thickness surveys on various project sections. With our vehicle-based systems we were able to collect data at the posted speed limit to detect pavement layer thicknesses, stripping in asphalt pavements, subsurface voiding, and other conditions. If you have an upcoming project where we can be…

An Infrasense vehicle-based GPR system conducting pavement evaluations

Infrasense GPR Collection in Hawai’i

Earlier this year, Infrasense engineers travelled to the Hawaiian Islands for GPR data collection. Over 2,400 lane-miles of roadways on the islands of O’ahu, Hawai’i, Maui, Kaua’i, Lana’i, and Moloka’i underwent evaluation. Analysis of the GPR data showed pavement layer thicknesses and other underlying conditions. If you have an upcoming project where we can be…