Infrasense NRRA Research Project

The National Road Research Alliance (NRRA) has selected Infrasense for an exciting research project! This project objective comprises of automating 3DGPR data analysis for concrete pavement evaluations. The research includes developing machine learning algorithms to detect missing, misplaced, or misaligned dowel and tie bars, voids under joints, and other deficiencies in concrete pavements. If you’d…

New Year Updates

Infrasense is off to a busy start in 2023! We kicked things off with our annual company retreat the first week of January where we had sessions on internal R&D, equipment, software, new capabilities, project execution/ management, and other topics. The following week a group of us headed to Washington D.C. for the Transportation Research…

Concrete Structure Evaluation in Revere, MA

Infrasense just completed data collection for a concrete structure evaluation project on a building in Revere, MA. Ground penetrating radar was used to scan over 50,000 sq. ft. of concrete slab, spanning several floors. Data collected will be used to identify the spacing and depth of reinforcing steel bars and identify other targets such as…

Ground Penetrating Radar in Arizona

Infrasense had the opportunity to visit Arizona last week while completing GPR pavement thickness surveys on over 1,200 lane miles of major highways throughout the state. We are happy to be working as a subcontractor to the International Cybernetics Company (ICC) as part of their ongoing Statewide Geospatial Roadway Data Collection and Inventory Project.

Nondestructive Scanning of Parking Structures in MA and NJ

Infrasense has been busy the last couple of weeks completing non-destructive scanning of parking structures in MA and NJ. The results of these surveys include maps of concrete deterioration, rebar depth, and rebar spacing/layout. If you have an upcoming project where these capabilities would be of value, please email us at 

Comprehensive Evaluation of Bridge Decks in Virginia Beach, VA

Infrasense recently completed ground penetrating radar (GPR), infrared thermography (IR), and high-resolution video (HRV) data collection on a pair of decks in southeastern Virginia. These datasets will be used to quantify and map rebar-level delaminations, corrosion activity, spalling, and patching. Additional testing, including targeted coring, chloride sampling, and half-cell potential (HCP), will be carried out…

FWD in MA, NH, and NJ

Infrasense has been busy with falling weight deflectometer (FWD) testing in MA, NH, and NJ over the past couple of months, completing testing along 15 state highway project sections. The FWD data is combined with ground penetrating radar (GPR) data and the resulting outputs include pavement layer moduli, pavement layer thicknesses, subgrade resilient modulus, effective…

Infrasense Adds To The Team

Infrasense has recently added three new engineers to the staff in anticipation of a busy 2022! Parker Aubin (right) brings his 4 years of geotechnical engineering experience and passion for geophysics on board. Aidan Rolli (left) stuck around after his 2021 summer internship and is now full time, already contributing to a wide range of…

Minnesota Pavement Thickness Survey

Infrasense was recently in Minnesota to carry out a pavement thickness survey using ground penetrating radar.  The results will be used to assist with future pavement design projects.  While there, one of our engineers captured this photo of our survey vehicle under the Milky Way!