Infrasense performed subsurface pavement structure investigations on 21 sections of pavement throughout Fort Hood. This project provided pavement structure information to support Falling Weight Deflectometer Testing (FWD) and subsequent rehabilitation planning and design.
Infrasense has recently completed a subsurface pavement structure investigation of 21 sections of pavement throughout Fort Hood, Texas. The project utilized Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) testing to determine the pavement layer thickness and layer structure, and Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) testing to determine CBR values. The purpose of the GPR and FWD testing was to support rehabilitation planning and design.
Infrasense performed the GPR data collection in just two days using a highly efficient vehicle-based GPR data collection system traveling at normal driving speeds. All data was synchronized with a Global Positioning System (GPS) to provide coordinate locations for the detected pavement thicknesses and accurately locate pavement layer thicknesses at the FWD test locations. A key advantage of the GPR results was the continuous structure information provided in the areas of FWD test locations. Because many of the pavement sections had undergone repair work such as full depth patching, the structure wasn’t perfectly uniform; the GPR results, though, provided accurate structure information at exact FWD test locations, while highlighting areas that weren’t representative of the overall pavement structure of each section.
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