Multi-Phase Condition Evaluation of South Dakota Bridge Deck
In the summer of 2018, Infrasense moseyed on down to Deadwood, South Dakota, to perform a multi-phase condition evaluation of the nearly 2000-foot long deck carrying US-14A over the Whitewood Creek. A suite of complementary testing methods was deployed, including high-speed ground penetrating radar (GPR), infrared thermography (IR), high resolution visual imaging (HRV), chloride ion concentration testing, and electrical resistivity testing.
Phase 1 consisted of the high-speed vehicle-based GPR, IR, and HRV testing, which was performed at normal driving speeds with no disruption to normal traffic. Using these results, Infrasense identified areas where the chip seal surface had been stripped, as well area potential areas of chip seal debonding and concrete degradation. These areas were used to plan targeted phase 2 testing.
Phase 2 consisted of chloride ion concentration and electrical resistivity testing at targeted locations across the length of the deck. These tests were used to calibrated and confirm the results of the GPR and IR analyses. The phase 2 testing was performed in conjunction with Bright Diagnostics Inc, at more than 20 locations in just 2 days. The results were combined into a comprehensive condition map of the entire area of the bridge deck.