Thickness Measurements at the Tyler Park Stone Archway Bridge in Kentucky
In the spring of 2018, Infrasense performed GPR and Impact Echo (IE) ultrasonic testing on the Tyler Park Stone Archway Bridge in Louisville, Kentucky, in order to determine the general size and thickness of structural stones at various locations throughout the structure. The more than 100-year-old bridge bisects a park and was recently subjected to a water main breakage with the potential to wash away base material and cause voids beneath the roadway carried by the archway bridge.
Thickness measurements were made on the four main elements that comprise the bridge structure: the spandrel walls; the approach retaining walls; the abutments; and the archway. These elements were accessed using a ladder or scissor lift, so that stones throughout the structure could be measured. Both the GPR and IE testing equipment was calibrated on-site using exposed stones that allowed for direct measurement with a measuring tape, ensuring a high level of accuracy.