Pavement Layer Thickness Survey in Lewis County, New York

Infrasense was in Lewis County, New York this past week completing GPR pavement thickness surveys for select county roads. The surveys will result in continuous pavement layer thickness information which will be validated by cores. To learn more about our pavement structure evaluation capabilities, please visit or feel free to email with questions…


Infrasense Locates Buried Oil Separator for Surface Drainage System

Infrasense completed a subsurface survey to map the location and position of an oil/water separator and drainage basin structure that had its access lids paved over during construction at the site. The rapid NDE survey consisted of using a portable, GPR Survey System manufactured by GSSI, Inc. to identify and map out the locations so…


Throwback Thursday – 30 Years Ago at Infrasense

Hard to believe this photo is nearly 30 years old – at the time, Infrasense Founder, Dr. Ken Maser was working with a company in Denmark to carry out GPR surveys for pavement thickness! For most of his career, Ken has been at the forefront of GPR for highway infrastructure applications.

Infrasense Completes Multi-Phase Bridge Deck Evaluations in Indiana

In early autumn of 2020, Infrasense headed to the Hoosier state to perform multi-phase condition surveys on 71 bridges decks as part of an Indiana DOT study carried out by Purdue University. A suite of nondestructive testing technologies were deployed across four groups of bridge decks that were selected using different sets of objectives. The…


Infrasense Completes Condition Surveys of 41 Bridge Decks in North Central Wisconsin

Infrasense recently evaluated the condition of 41 bridge decks located in northcentral Wisconsin. The deck evaluations utilized vehicle-based infrared thermography, high-resolution video, and ground penetrating radar. All testing was carried out at a rolling speed, which allowed for spot verification via hammer sounding. Following the field surveys, the data was transferred to Infrasense’s headquarters in…


Throwback Thursday – Infrasense Tests Massachusetts Railroad Tracks in 1996

#TBT In 1996, Infrasense worked with UMass Amherst testing railroad tracks to detect fouling in the ballast and deterioration in the wood ties using ground penetrating radar (GPR). Initial testing was done on a test track at the UMass Amherst lab and then equipment was mounted to a HiRail vehicle for field testing on a stretch…


Infrasense Scans Highway Pavement Outside Atlanta, GA

Last month Infrasense performed a high speed pavement survey on a stretch of Interstate highway outside the transportation hub of Atlanta, Georgia. The purpose of the project was to determine the structure for approximately 17 miles of pavement. Did you know that Georgia contains 15 different Interstate highways? That’s good for tenth most in the…


Infrasense Performs GPR Analysis on 7000 Kilometers of Pavement in Israel

In Spring 2018, Infrasense founder Ken Maser traveled to northern Israel to train a local team on how to collect Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) data for a network-level pavement survey. For the next seven months, the team collected 7000 km of pavement in 2240 management units. The data was continuously uploaded to Infrasense for quality…
