GPR to Locate Embedded Trolley Tracks in Plattsburgh, NY

Infrasense was recently in Plattsburgh, NY to complete a GPR survey to identify embedded trolley tracks and any other obstructions within the pavement in preparation for an upcoming construction project. Mobilization to the project site included taking a ferry across Lake Champlain, from Grand Isle, VT to Plattsburgh, NY! If you have an upcoming project…

FWD in MA, NH, and NJ

Infrasense has been busy with falling weight deflectometer (FWD) testing in MA, NH, and NJ over the past couple of months, completing testing along 15 state highway project sections. The FWD data is combined with ground penetrating radar (GPR) data and the resulting outputs include pavement layer moduli, pavement layer thicknesses, subgrade resilient modulus, effective…